Saturday, May 19, 2018

Matlab Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) with back propagation algorithm to solve a 3-class classification problem.


Number of layers: 2 (hidden + output) 
Number of input units: 13 (+ 1 for bias)
Number of hidden units: 8 (+1 for bias) 
Number of output units: 3 
Activation functions: sigmoid for hidden units; softmax for output units 
Initial weights: uniform random numbers between 0 and 1



folowing steps are followed
1: forward pass to compute an,zn,bn and yn
2: compute the error signal.
3: Pass error backward to compter error for hidden layer.
4: Compute gradient
5: Update weight
Total number of instance = 178 
learning rate = 0.500000 
Total number of iteration = 5000 
cost befor training 1.971846
Total number of correctly classified instance before traing = 71 
Start Training
Total number of correctly classified instance after training = 178 
Cost after Training = 0.020612 
Total time = 22.546547 sec

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