//// Created by Laxmi Kadariya on 2/5/18. //This is the source code to create binary tree with class in c++//#include "iostream"#include <stack>using namespace std; struct node{ int item; struct node *left; struct node *right; }; class bst{ private: struct node *root; public: struct node* insert_node(node *root,int item) { if(root == NULL) { root = new node; root->item = item; root->left = NULL; root->right = NULL; } else{ if(root->item< item) { root->left = insert_node(root->left,item); } else if(root->item >item) { root->right = insert_node(root->right,item); } } return root; } /*Method to print inorder traversal of a BST*/
void inorder(node *root) { stack<node*> stack; node *curr=root; while(!stack.empty() || curr!=NULL) { /*If current node is not NULL push the node in stack*/
if(curr!=NULL) { stack.push(curr); curr=curr->left; } /*If current node is empty or NULL pop it from the stack */
{ curr=stack.top(); stack.pop(); cout<<curr->item<<" "; curr=curr->right; } } } }; int main() { bst tree; struct node *root = NULL; root = tree.insert_node(root,1); tree.insert_node(root,2); tree.insert_node(root,13); tree.insert_node(root,4); tree.inorder(root); }
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