Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Quiz game in C language complete source code download

C language is the basic language in the programming field. every programmer starts the programming from the C language. Generally in the IT field like Computer Engineerung or any related computer field, we are taught the C language and at the end of the class, we are asked to do a simple project  implementing C language. At this situation we may be in delime about what to do in the project as C project.In that particular condition  The Quiz game can be one of the alternative to us. It implemts almost every part we learn in the course from simple input/output to the file implementation.


Quiz game is a very popular General Knowledge Game. The quiz game increases the IQ knowledge of the player. It is used to check the knowledge within us.
The provided source code is the simple Quiz game programmed  implementing C language. In this programe The several question are provided  to the player.The player are provided with 4 option in it. Player is all need to choice the suitable option from the 4 option available in the screen. The player need to type either A,B,C,or D according to the suitable answer provided in it.
The player will score the points with each correct answer provided. If the player is unable to answer the question, then correct answer is provided. The user are given 3 chance in it. The game will be terminated with score and suggestion displayed if the user goes to incorrect answer for consequitive 3 chances.

At the beginning of the game menu is provided .according to the menu user need to proceed in it. Also File is used in it to store the points scored by the player. The player can see the highest score through this file through the menu .
24 question are included in it,however we can add further question as per our need.


I hope this article will be helpful in the project regarding  the C programming project. The quiz program is really intresting project to begin programming project for the beginners. The code is simple and clean.  I appreciate the comment and any feedback ,Please.


  1. quiz game is nt compiling'.
    its showing error that c is unable to open file windows.h..
    plz help it

  2. i have compiled it in codeblock IDE. and it was fine, you might have error in your compiler or try it with commenting windows.h

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